Leading credit cooperative bank in Spain

Cajamar Caja Rural

It is a member of the European Association of Cooperative Banks, being supervised by the ECB. Based on its size and volume of assets, it is one of the top 12 significant banking entities in the Spanish financial system. Cajamar Caja Rural is committed to the different productive sectors, pays particularly close attention to the agri-food sector and aims its financial activity at local economies, especially self-employed professionals, growers, stockbreeders and SMEs.

At 30 September 2019, it had assets of 45,621 million euros, a managed turnover of 77,168 million euros, a solvency ratio of 14.83% and a CET1 phased in ratio of 13.14%.









Present in

43 provinces

  • Andalusia
  • Aragon
  • Asturias
  • Balearic Islands
  • Canary Islands
  • Cantabria
  • Castile-La Mancha
  • Castile and Leon
  • Catalonia
  • Community of Valencia
  • Extremadura
  • Galicia
  • La Rioja
  • Madrid
  • Navarre
  • Region of Murcia
  • Ceuta
  • Melilla

Experimental centres

Cajamar has two agricultural related experimental centers which carry out applied research and develop new production technologies, focusing on knowledge transfer and the dissemination of findings. This commitment to the culture of innovation is enhanced through training and economic analysis provided by the Department of Socio-Economic Analysis, the School of Cooperative Advisers and the Network of University Fellowships.