The objective of ZG Raiffeisen is to increase its company value. Their achievements include increasing equity capital through a constant increase of members, the possibility of preferred equity, sales gains for member businesses. All of these are only possible through the economical and emotional relationship between ZG Raiffeisen and its members. With that in mind they introduced a new concept of membership, by setting up an incentive scheme to reward loyalty for transactions.


NewFarming Solutions® are the fruit of Terrena’s research and innovation. Five major criteria had to be adhered to for the “Solutions-NA®” label to be awarded:

  • maintaining and improving the technical and economic performance of the farm;
  • reducing the use of non-renewable and chemical inputs by using alternatives based on natural processes;
  • achieving quantifiable control of environmental impacts;
  • building on innovation;
  • tested by Forward Looking Farmers®.

They established the Ecologically Intensive Agriculture, a satellite based IT system provides support for precision farming and improves coordination in decision making through a broader range of choices.


Naturmælk’s objective is to develop an organic protein drink based on whey as a healthy and natural alternative to the protein products and energy drinks available on the market today. This innovative product will maximize utilization of whey from the Naturmælk dairy, which will improve the economic situation for the dairy sector and thus also for dairy farmers.